Architectural and construction group
The Group performs design works in the field of architectural and town-planning activities in accordance with the list of licensed works of the Institute.
The group develops projects and performs calculations of architectural and construction part, facilities in oil and gas and chemical industries.
The department’s activities are aimed at continuously improving the quality of both the development of design documentation and the subsequent construction of various facilities in accordance with the developed design documentation.
The construction solutions implemented under our projects are based on the application of modern construction methods, as well as modern structures and materials.
Principles of operation
Study of customer needs, coordination of technical solutions with them, readiness for cooperation, established partnerships with leading construction companies allow us to develop design solutions that meet the highest quality and reliability requirements.
Completeness and correctness of design developments is achieved through comprehensive work in the institute and at construction sites.
Technical awareness of the department’s specialists is constantly improved by attending specialised exhibitions and relevant advanced training courses.
Range of services
- Development of architectural and construction drawings, performing calculations of building structures, solving issues on the development of documentation at all stages and stages of design, author’s supervision of construction and commissioning of completed construction;
- Participation in the development of variants to identify the most progressive and economical design solutions;
- Participation in defence of design solutions at technical meetings of the institute, in approving, expert and coordinating authorities.