Development, production and drilling

JV KazGerMunai LLP

  • Project of formulation development during water influx isolation works;
  • Technical project for construction of an appraisal directional well with a design depth of 2100 meters at the Nuraly field.
  • Development of a formulation for water influx isolation works.
  • Development of the report “Project of liquidation of consequences of activity of ‘JV ’Kazgermunai” LLP on Akshabulak m/r.
  • Technical project for construction of an appraisal directional well with a design depth of 2100 m at Nuraly m/r.
  • Development of individual technical project for construction of directional well #141 at Nuraly m/r Nuraly.
  • Comprehensive geological and technical study on conducting works on RPM, injection of formation and artesian water in Akshabulak and Nuraly districts.
  • Development of individual technical project for construction of directional wells #42, 43, 78, 85 in Nuraly m/r.
    Assessment of oil and gas bearing capacity of foundation prospects

JSC Oil Company KOR

  • Project for determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of production, treatment and transportation of oil at “Aschisai” field and at the Slivonalivnoy point (Terminal).
  • Development of a technological document (project) “Refined Technological Scheme for the development of the Aschisai field” with a Pre-EIA

SNPS Ai-Dan Munai JSC

  • Author’s supervision over implementation of the North Priozernoye field trial production project as of 01.03.2009.
  • South-West Sarybulak Field Trial Production Project
  • Project of appraisal works of Yuzhno-Zapadny Sarybulak field as of 01.09.13.
  • Development of the report “Author’s supervision over implementation of the technological scheme of Sarybulak field development as of 01.11.2015.

Emir-Oil LLP

  • Dolinnoye field trial production project.
  • Aksaz field trial operation project.
  • Kariman Field Trial Production Project.
  • Addendum No.2 to the “Group technical project for construction of prospecting wells in Kariman area”, due to changes in well design and reduction of formation pressure gradients.
  • Author’s supervision over implementation of the Dolinnoye field trial production project
  • Author’s supervision over the implementation of the trial production project at Kariman m/r.
    Preparation of a report on analysis of pilot operation of the Aksaz field as of 01.07.09.
  • Group technical project for construction of prospecting wells No.1,2 in the North Kariman area.
  • Adjustments of some parameters of the project “Addendum to GTP for construction of exploration wells 1-T, 2-T with the depth of 3800 meters in Kariman area”.
  • Technical project for construction of exploration well No. 1 in the Yesen area.
  • Addendum to the ITP for construction of exploratory well No. 1 on the Yesen area due to changes in well design (reserve variant, liner).
  • Addendum to the GTP for construction of exploration well No.1,2 in the North Kariman area due to changes in well construction (reserve variant, liner).
  • Determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of production, collection, treatment and transportation of oil for the area of Emir Oil LLP.

Tandai Petroleum LLP

  • Pilot industrial development of “Zhylankabak” field.
    Addendum to the project of pilot industrial development of Zhylankabak field
  • Development of GTP Project for construction of exploration wells #100-106 at Zholdybay m/r.
  • Addendum to Zholdybay Field Trial Production Project
  • Author’s supervision over the implementation of the Addendum to the Exploration and Production Development Project of Zhylandykabak field.
  • Author’s supervision over the implementation of the trial production project of the Zholdybai field
  • Determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of oil production, treatment and transportation for Tandai Petroleum LLP.
  • Technological regulations for operation of oil treatment units, auxiliary devices and facilities for Tandai Petroleum LLP m/r.
  • Reinterpretation of 3D materials for Zholdybay field taking into account the data of new wells in order to clarify the structure of the existing deposits and fulfill new promising objects.
  • Scientific and technical support for enhanced oil recovery and oil production intersification works at the Tandai Petroleum LLP field.
  • Technological scheme of Zhylankabak field development and Pre-EIA to it
  • Author’s supervision over the project implementation Technological scheme of Zhylankabak field development

JV Matin LLP

  • Refined project of Matin field development.
  • Addendum to the revised project of Matin field development.
  • Project of trial exploitation of Permo-Triassic deposits of Matin field.
  • GTP for construction of production wells №№315-326 with a design depth of 750m at Matin deposit.
  • Binding to ITP for construction of exploratory well No.1M at Matin field due to changes in the location of exploratory wells No.2M, 3M with a design depth of 1150m.
  • Drilling schedule for exploration wells 6M-12M with a design depth of 1,200 m at Matin m/r.
  • GTP for drilling of production producing wells 302-303, 305-311 and injection wells 301, 304, 312 with a design depth of 750 meters at Matin field.
  • ITP for construction of vertical exploration wells #5M with a depth of 1800 m at Matin m/r.
  • Project of trial exploitation of Triassic deposit at Matin m/r Matin
    Addendum to the revised development project of Matin m/r Matin
  • Consulting services during testing of the recommended technology of water influx isolation at Matin m/r
  • Determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of oil preparation and transportation for m/r and facilities of JV Matin LLP for the period of 2011-2015.
  • Group technical project for construction of vertical production wells №№315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322 with a design depth of 650 meters at Matin m/r.
  • Recalculation of oil and gas reserves of Matin m/r Matin of Atyrau region of RK according to the state of study as of 01.01.2012.
  • Scientific and technical work “Determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of production preparation and transportation Scientific and technical work “Determination and rationing of technological losses in the process of production, treatment and transportation of oil for m/r and facilities of JV Matin LLP for the period of 2011-2015.
  • Group technical project for construction of production production wells No. 313, 314 at the Matin field with a mandatory section “Environmental protection”.

Buzachi Operating LTD.

  • Group technical design for vertical, injection and directional wells at the Severnye Buzachi field.
  • Group technical project for construction of directional production wells at the North Buzachi field in 2009.
  • Group technical project for construction of directional injection wells at Severnye Buzachi field in 2009.
  • Group technical project for construction of 182 vertical liner production wells at Severnye Buzachi field in 2008-2010.
    Interpretation of field geophysical surveys in 280 open hole wells and digitization of logging diagrams for 12 wells at Severnye Buzachi field”.
  • Interpretation of openhole geophysical surveys of 250 wells at Severnye Buzachi.

ArnaOil LLP

  • Group technical project for construction of exploration wells at Kara-Arna m/r.
  • Trial production project of the Cenomanian horizon of the northern field of the western wing and the Upper Albian horizon of the eastern wing of the Kara-Arna field.
  • Analysis of the state of well stock of Kara-Arna and V. Kokarna fields and issuance of recommendations. Kokarna fields and issuing recommendations on oil production techniques and technology.
  • Analysis of development systems and issuing recommendations on their optimization of Kara-Arna and V. Kokarna fields. Kokarna fields.
  • Processing of field data on oil production by means of computers and creation of a data bank.
  • Development of the feasibility study for the development of the Cenomanian horizon of the northern field of production wells at the Kara-Arna field.
  • Binding of design vertical production wells to the “Group technical project for construction of vertical production wells at Vostochnaya Kokarna field”.
  • Execution of the Project “Addendum to the technological scheme of development of Kokarna East”.
  • Well control program with inter-column pressures at Kara-Arna, East Kokarna and Matin m/r.
  • Addendum to the GTP for the construction of exploration wells #2A and 3A at Kara-Arna due to the siena design of the wells.
    Group technical project for construction of exploration wells R2, R3, R5, R6, R7 with depth of 2550 m at Kara-Arna m/r.
  • Group technical project for construction of exploration wells R4, R8 with depth of 1200 m on Kara-Arna m/r.
  • Group technical project for construction of exploration wells R9, R10, R11 with depth of 2100 m on Kara-Arna m/r Group technical project for construction of exploration wells R9, R10, R11 with depth of 2100 m on Kara-Arna m/rGroup technical project kt for construction of 2,700 meters deep vertical production wells Nos. 38, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64 at Vostochnaya Kokarna m/r.
  • Group technical project for construction of vertical wells at Vostochnaya Kokarna m/r.

AF “OrdabasyMunayGas” JSC

  • Compilation of the report “Feasibility study on the returned territory of subsalt geological and exploration block of Tengizchevroil LLP”
  • Determination and rationing of technological losses during storage, treatment, transportation and shipment of oil for facilities of AF “OrdabasyMunaiGas” JSC

Maersk Oil Kazakhstan Gmbh Company

  • Individual technical project for construction of horizontal production well DGK-1G at the Dunga field.
  • Preparation of Technical Designs for drilling of two production appraisal wells, Saigak 9 and Saigak 10, at the Saigat field.
  • Drilling design for wells “Saiga 9” and “Saiga 10”.
  • Preparation of ITP for construction of horizontal production well DGK-1G at Dunga field.

Kom-Munai LLP

  • Individual technical project for construction of a horizontal gas injection well at Komsomolskoye field.
  • ITP development for construction of vertical gas injection well No. IG1 at Komsomolskoye field.
  • ITP development for construction of vertical gas injection well No. IG4 at the Komsomolskoye field.

KazEmir Oil Development Almaty LLP

  • Development of a trial field development project in the Burbaital area

Kamenistoe LLP

  • Author’s supervision over the implementation of the Kamenistoe field trial production project.
  • Addendum to the Kamenistoe field trial production project.
  • Addendum to the “Group technical project for construction of exploration wells at Kamenistoe deposit due to change of drilling rig and change of well design”
  • Amendment and addendum to the GTP for construction of exploration wells Nos. 5-7 at Kamenistoe field.
    EIA for the Kamenistoe field development

JSC Caspian Oil

  • Technological scheme of Ayrankol field development.
  • Development of an addendum to the Ayrankol field development project Preparation of GTP for construction of production wells at Ayrankol m/r.
  • Development of group technical project for construction of production wells at Ayrankol m/r.
  • Development of the Gas Utilization Program at Airankol site
    GTP for construction of injection wells with an average depth of 900 meters (Cretaceous horizons).
  • Addendum to the technological scheme of Airankol field development
  • Development of norms of technological oil losses
  • Development of associated gas processing development program for Ayrnakol field for 2016-2018.
  • R&D “Analysis of the implementation of oil production method with the use of EPR technology at Ayrankol field”.