Geology, exploration, reserve estimates

KNLC International Kazakhstan Inc LLP

  • Interpretation of open hole geophysical surveys for 250 wells

Kokmai LLP

  • Development of a project for prospecting for oil and gas in subsalt sediments in the Kokmai area

Maten Petroleum JSC

  • Processing and re-interpretation of 3D seismic with inversion transformations at East Kokarna m/r.
  • Processing and re-interpretation of 3D seismic with inversion transformations at Matin field.
  • Conversion of oil and gas reserves of Middle Jurassic deposits at Kokarna East field
  • 3D processing of 3D seismic and study of possibility of territory extension in Kokarna East m/r.
  • Three-dimensional processing of 3D seismic and study of the possibility of territory extension of Mateen m/r Matin
  • Creation of 3D geological and hydrodynamic model of Kara-Arna m/r
  • Creation of 3D geological and hydrodynamic model of East Kokarna m/r
  • Creation of three-dimensional geological and hydrodynamic model of m/r Matin

Kumkol Trans Service LLP

  • Estimation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of Sarybulak m/r as of 01.12.12.
  • Program of development of natural gas processing in Sarybulak m/r

SNPS-Ai Dan Munai JSC

  • Estimation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of Sarybulak m/r as of 01.12.12.
  • Project of appraisal works of Arysskoye m/r

JSC Caspian Oil

  • Recalculation of oil and gas reserves in Ayrankol field
  • Geological and technical support of the production process
  • Detailed re-interpretation of seismic data
  • Construction of geological and hydrodynamic modeling of Ayrankol field
  • Re-processing, detailed re-interpretation of MOGT-2D, 3D and GIS seismic data in order to identify new prospects for exploration within the framework of the Exploration Project.

Ansagan Petroleum JSC

  • Recalculation of oil and dissolved gas reserves of North-West Zhetybai field as of 02.01.16.

Kor-Tazh Munai LLP

  • Interpretation of open hole geophysical surveys in the subsalt interval of the Ravninnoye area
  • Addendum to the Exploration Project” and Pre-EIA for Ravninnoye field

ТОО «Созак Нефтегаз»

  • Oil and gas prospecting project in the Contract Territory of Sozak Oil and Gas LLP
  • Report on generalization of 2D/3D seismic results for 2008-2013.
  • Addendum No.1 to the Project of prospecting for oil and gas in the contract territory of Sozak Oil and Gas LLP, including Pre-EIA and approval by the state authorities.
  • Addendum No. 2 to the Project of prospecting works for oil and gas on the contractual territory of Sozak Oil and Gas LLP, including Pre-EIA and approval by the state authorities. including Pre-EIA
  • Project of appraisal works on the contractual territory of Sozak Oil and Gas LLP, including Pre-EIA.

TriasMunaiGas LLP

  • Project of prospecting works in the Contract Territory of TriasMunaiGas LLP and Pre-EIA to it

KazAzot LLP PF Shagyrly-Shөmishti

  • Processing and interpretation of 2D and 3D seismic data with inversion transformations at the Shagyrly – Shomyshty field in order to gain a deep understanding of the geology and develop plans for the development and design of field development
  • Processing, reprocessing and interpretation of 2D seismic data in the Kosbulak area of the contract territory of KazAzot LLP