Field development, EIAs
Technology of the Third Millennium LLP
Development and approval with all necessary state authorities and institutions of the draft standards of MPE of pollutants into the atmosphere from industrial sites;
Development and approval with all necessary state authorities and institutions of the draft standards of MPE of pollutants with wastewater into filtration fields;
Development and approval with all necessary state authorities and institutions of the draft EIA when conducting production activities at the facilities;
Development and approval with all necessary state authorities and institutions of the project
Kumkol Trnas Service LLP
- Sarybulak m/r Development Project
Ansagan Petroleum JSC
- – RP “Development of 7 oil production wells in North-West Zhetybai m/r”.
- RP “Gas pipeline from steel pipes GZU-1-UPN – 8 km”.
- Development of the project for development of 12 oil production wells in the North-West Zhetybai m/r. Changes.
ТKazAzot PA
Reconstruction of Mineral Fertiliser Shop of KazAzot LLP.
Execution of engineering andGeodetic survey of the existing facilities of KazAzot LLP
Reconstruction of the administrative building of KazAzot LLP
Author’s supervision over the construction of the facility under the project “Installation of ammonia utilisation from tank and purge gases of ammonia production at the industrial site of KazAzot LLP”
Reconstruction of cable and process trestles on the territory of the plant of KazAzot LLP
Modernisation and strengthening of the perimeter security of the territory of the plant of KazAzot LLP
MangistauMunaiGas JSC
- Author’s supervision “Reconstruction of reservoir pressure maintenance system at Zhetybai m/r Zhetybai”
Amangeldy Gas LLP
- Author’s supervision over construction of gas production wells #127, 128, 130 at Amangeldy m/r
- Development of Ayrakty m/r – Author’s supervision over construction of gas production well #129 at Amangeldy m/r
- RP “Installation of reagent dosing units at well sites at Amangeldy m/r”. – Programme for elimination of consequences of Amangeldy Gas LLP activities
KazAzot LLP Shagyrly-Shomyshty PF
RP “Development of 10 gas production wells at Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r”. – Project “Development of 37 wells at Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/y”. – Project “Development of GSP-4 and gas gathering systems with in-field roads at Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r”. – Project “Development of GSP-3 and gas gathering systems with intra-field roads at Shagyrly-Shomyshty”.
Development of PSD for the road from Kulandy Say to KUMG of Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r
Development of project for development of 15 gas production wells at Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r – Author’s supervision Development of Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r. Gas gathering point GSP-3″, “Development of the Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r. Gas gathering point GSP-4”, “Development of 37 gas production wells in Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r (29 wells out of 37)”, “Development of 10 gas production wells in Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r (2 wells out of 10)
“Development of a project for the development of 22 wells with outfall lines and infield roads after drilling”
Development of 37 gas production wells in Shagyrly-Shomyshty m/r. Adjustment
Munai Service LLP
- RP “Development of 4 gas wells in Amangeldy m/r”. – Engineering survey “Fielding of design point of well No.8 in Zharkum m/r Zharkum”.
- Project “Ammonia utilisation unit from tank and blowdown gases of ammonia production at the industrial site of KazAzot LLP”.
Energoholding-A LLP
- GTP for drilling of 26 production injection wells at the Bozoi UGSF. GTP for drilling of 10 production production production wells at the Bozoi UGSF. RP Development of 36 gas production wells at Bozoi UGSF.